Jonghwa Woo




InterparkTriple Corp., Backend Engineer, 2022 to Present

  • 트리플 및 인터파크 호텔 공통 플랫폼 백엔드 신규 개발 (Kotlin, Spring Boot, MongoDB, Redis, AWS)
  • 호텔 공통 플랫폼 백오피스 개발 (TypeScript, React, Next.js)

Triple Corp., Backend Engineer, 2019 to 2022

  • 트리플 호텔 도메인 백엔드 개발 (Kotlin, Spring Boot, MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ, AWS)
  • 트리플 호텔 백오피스 개발 (JavaScript, React, Next.js)

Nexon GT Co., Ltd., Client Programmer, 2016 to 2019

  • 신규개발실 R&D (Unreal Engine 4, C++)
  • 'Titanfall Online' Client Programmer (Source Engine, C++)

INFINITT Healthcare Co., Ltd., Programmer, 2013 to 2016

  • Maintaining PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) (C++)


3D Modeling and Processing Lab, Seoul National University | MS in Computer Science, 2013

  • Sweep-based Tree Modeling, the main research topic for my master's degree.
  • Yong-Joon Kim, Jong-Hwa Woo, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
    "Interactive Tree Modeling and Deformation with Collision Detection and Avoidance",
    Computer Animation and Social Agents 2015 [CASA 2015 Second Best Paper Award]
  • 김용준, 우종화, 김명수,
    충돌 감지 및 회피를 이용한 편리한 나무 모델링,
    HCI KOREA, 2013
  • 김용준, 우종화, 김명수,
    스윕 기반 나무 모델링,
    한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회, 2012

Seoul National University | BS in Computer Science, 2011

  • SNUCSE, a community website for the CSE members.

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